Tuesday, August 26, 2014

Print Media to the Future!

Print media has had an enormous impact on our intellectual culture ever since Johannes Gutenberg created the first mechanical printing press and published the first copy of the Gutenberg Bible in 1455. Ever since then print media has become an essential cultural tool that has allowed information to cleanly travel through the ages without having to rely on hazy and forgetful word of mouth. That being said, today even as digital formats become all the more common around the world, print media is still essential and very popular as each year more print media is released and helps shape people’s perceptions and experiences of the world around them. In this sense print media can define key aspects of the generation they appear in. If by some chance we were able to travel forward in time, say 150 years or so, and wanted to take a bit of the past with us to share with the future about our time, some printed media would be an excellent choice to do so. And that brings me to today’s topic, if I could go into the future like I have just said, and take only 3 objects of print media, what would they be and why?

                First object I would take is one well known in the first decade of the 2000’s, a copy of the Deathly Hollows, book 6 of the Harry Potter series. Now why would I take this book you might ask? It’s not because it was my favorite series or even my favorite book in the series. Harry Potter is a character everyone in my generation knows. Whether the read the books or not, you have heard about him and maybe even seen the movies. Anybody you ask will be able to give you even just the slightest bit of knowledge on who Harry Potter is and whether the series was good or not. The series may never become classic literature, or it might, either way no one can deny that it was a very big phenomenon of our generation and has shaped many people’s perceptions of good literature in our time.

                The next object of print media I’d take is book 1 of Naruto. I’m not a huge fan of Naruto, I prefer One Piece or FairyTail honestly, but I have kept up with the story over the years. The way I see it a lot of people in our generation have begun to enjoy many creations from outside countries as media becomes more easily accessible. The fact that Japanese Manga’s and Animes have done so well in the American market and are growing still is proof that we are becoming worldlier and that we are being affected and shaped by media from even outside our culture. Naruto is another character that not everyone may follow in his story but has become well known enough for most Americans below 30 or 40 to at least recognize his name. This alone I think makes it relevant enough to take and share with the future, and compare it to see how much outside media is enjoyed then compared to now.

                For my last piece of print media I’d Take the latest edition of the New York Times. Newspapers are print media too and are very important sources of worldly information as long as you don’t take everything at face value. They are good for at least realizing what is happening throughout our world recently and because of that, would be a treasure to take to the future. It would be like getting an almost firsthand view to the events of the past without the usual distortions information might receive over 150 years. I’m sure someone in the future would find what’s going on here today interesting as it would be a firsthand account, something they would never see in their accounts of the past. Unless they already had a copy of course.

Monday, August 18, 2014


 My name is Arnulfo Casco, I am a first generation Honduran-American from Atlanta, Georgia. My hobbies include playing video games, watching Animes, biking, fishing, watching TV shows and generally anything fun. Because of these hobbies my media consumption often involves a lot of gaming information updates and event updates, some Anime episode updates, and fan generated content of both. I do also enjoy trending media, TV and show discussions and also think it important to devote part of my time with keeping myself connected with up to date world events information. A big part of it is also updates on what my friends are doing and thinking. Id like to think my media consumption is pretty well balanced looking at it now though this is my first time thinking about it. Having listed all that out I can very easily see the aspect of cultural convergence that have taken place in my media consumption ever since I started having an online presence. Cultural convergence, as I have come to understand it, is the coming together of the different types of media that shape the beliefs, trends, practices and media of a country or culture into one or few easy sources that are globally accessible. This I now know leads into another topic called Cultural transmission which I can very easily tell already affects me. Being a First generation Honduran-American, American media was a big help in learning not only the English language, which was never spoken in my house hold, but also normal American mannerisms which somewhat differ from Honduran ones. Even right now I have noticed myself becoming more knowledgeable of mannerisms, popular phrases and other cultural objects from the new types of media I've come in contact with in the past few years from around the world. These mostly include TV shows from Great Britain like Doctor Who and Sherlock that I have begun watching. Others include Animes I have recently begun watching from Japan. The fact I watch these shows how far Cultural convergence has gone in making our world smaller and making media more readily available for more people and I think prove cultural transmission is very real. I hope this class I'm taking in media studies will help me better understand how the media i watch effects me and if their are negative effects to it i must watch out for.